Marketing & Advertising


Getting people to recognize who you are, where you're located, and what you do is vital for your haunted event to succeed. But marketing can be challenging. Here are a few things to do to start getting customers in your door.

Save Time Tools:

Hire a professional to create your brand & handle all of your marketing. 
Schedule your social media posts, email messages, & promotions early. 
Create a brand around the story of your haunt. Give people "something to remember".
Use ticket giveaways as promotions online, fundraisers, auctions, & donations. 

Save Money Tools:

Set up your Google Business listing. Search engines need to know where to find you. It's free. 
Team up with a sponsor. You can put up their banner or give their employees free tickets. Create a win-win for you both.
Today's phone cameras are great for taking low light photos. Until you can hire a pro, do it yourself. Or find a creative eye.
Survey your customers at the exit. What did they like, not like, or want to see improved. Listen to feedback. 

Class Sections:

How to save time AND money

Idea Stage

Business Plan

Design Stage

Build Stage

Decorating & Scenes

Staffing & Hiring

Marketing & Advertising

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