
You should know the rules of the game of designing a haunted attraction if you're ever going to win.

Action Tools:

Read the NFPA 101: Life Safety Code or the IBC: International Building Code manuals.
Assembly Occupancy Requirements: Know your local restrictions on the Egresses, Exits, Emergency Lights, Fire Retardants, & Handicap Accessibility.
Special Amusement Building Code: Does your area require Mandatory Sprinklers, Smoke Detection, "Stop all confusing lights & sound" switches?
Know the rules of the game. You must be prepared when you talk to the Building Inspectors & Fire Marshal.

Class Sections:

Think like an architect

Read the rule book

Create an interesting back story

Create a storyboard

Scare design basics

Room design & function

Draw location to scale

Start designing your haunt

Draw each room

Room placement

Redesign & give it time

Triangle vs square grids

Bonus Q & A

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