Initial steps before you start


"If you are failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." -Benjamin Franklin

Before you start your auditions, you'll need to get a few things prepared so the experience goes smoothly for everyone. You can always ask friends, family, or your haunt staff for help. Keep your staff and actors well-informed throughout the season and during the hiring process.

Action Tools:

Create a private Facebook Staff group for your Haunt. Include all of your people. Keep them updated on dates of auditions and meetings, any extra duties they can help with, and updates as needed throughout the season.
Compose a list of scenes and roles. You should know what your core actor roles are by July if you’re opening in October. Plan out what your minimum number of actors should be and then add spots for the maximum.
Designate audition dates. If you’re opening in October, you should host your auditions between the end of July through the first week of September.
Post the audition dates. Make sure everyone knows that you are hiring. Publish the times and dates on your website and Facebook group.
Make "Scare Sheets". This will help you determine what type of role each actor prefers which will help them feel more comfortable in their scenes.
Contact applicants and assign them to audition dates. Once you’re ready to start your auditions, reach out to everyone to let them know when and where to show up.

Class Sections:

Benefits of a prepared actor

Initial steps before you start

Group Audition Outline

Orientation (Actor Handbook)

Orientation (Actor Exercises)

Orientation (Extra Training)

Before opening night...

Opening Night

Set your actors up for success

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