Cheap materials & building methods


With the price of everything going up, you'll need to save money on building materials and ways to construct everything. This will be one of your largest costs. If you hire the construction out, it will cost even more. These ideas will help save you cash.

Action Tools:

Use free or discounted lumber and materials. Have ready access to a truck and trailer.
There are many ways to build a wall panel. Choose your plan based on money, space, & time.
Build a wall panel jig to speed up the construction process.
Build your hallways at least 36”inches and doorways at least 32” inches.

Class Sections:

Start a home haunt for less than $300

Experiment at your house first

Think like a smart haunt owner

Choosing a location for your haunt

If you can't find a location...or money.

Cheap building materials & methods

Low-cost set design ideas

Guerilla marketing & creating your brand

Getting scare actors & keeping them

Adding it all up

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