Guerilla marketing & creating your brand


Getting people to recognize who you are, where you're located, and what you do is vital for your haunted event to succeed. But marketing can be challenging. Here are a few things to do to start getting customers in your door.

Action Tools:

Focus on a couple of platforms where you can market locally. Targeting on social media or somewhere physically near you.
Create a win-win with local businesses to help promote your brand or help pay for expenses.
To stand out, “Be Different”. Do something that the other attractions around you aren’t.
Always take care of the customers. Ask for feedback. Create a fun & hospitable environment.

Class Sections:

Start a home haunt for less than $300

Experiment at your house first

Think like a smart haunt owner

Choosing a location for your haunt

If you can't find a location...or money.

Cheap building materials & methods

Low-cost set design ideas

Guerilla marketing & creating your brand

Getting scare actors & keeping them

Adding it all up

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