Adding it all up


Are you ready to open up your Haunt? Research your local haunts and their ticket prices. Stay tuned to what's next for haunted attractions. Trends and operations are always changing so it's important to always be learning.

Action Tools:

How much do you need to charge for admission? What should you be focused on in the next two years? 5 years?
Be smart about how you use your money. Stay focused on your theme and don’t buy things you don’t need.
Test out small ideas before you go big on one idea. If doesn’t work, you can tweak it or get rid of it.
Keep the 80% that works. Improve the 20% that doesn’t.

Class Sections:

Start a home haunt for less than $300

Experiment at your house first

Think like a smart haunt owner

Choosing a location for your haunt

If you can't find a location...or money.

Cheap building materials & methods

Low-cost set design ideas

Guerilla marketing & creating your brand

Getting scare actors & keeping them

Adding it all up

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