Staffing & Hiring


Scare actors and your staff can make or break your attraction. Getting the right people in the right positions is critical for any business to survive. You can also move people around and let people go if it's not the right fit. Be an open-minded leader or find someone that is. 

Save Time Tools:

Train & hire early. Always be looking for help and always be improving your team.
Use a system for tracking your team's hours, personal info, & qualifications.
Reach out to your friends for help. Some might want to scare people or help with security. You won't know until you ask.
Work with local schools & organizations. Some students can earn credits for participation. 

Save Money Tools:

Get creative the way you pay your staff. Check with your state laws on employment rules.
Try to keep your staff coming back each season. It's cheaper to retain people than to hire new workers.
Be a leader for your team. Create a culture that people want to be around. Many successful haunts have a "family" atmosphere.
Makeup or Masks? Makeup tends to be cheaper but takes more time. Experiment with both.

Class Sections:

How to save time AND money

Idea Stage

Business Plan

Design Stage

Build Stage

Decorating & Scenes

Staffing & Hiring

Marketing & Advertising

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