Ideas & Planning 


During your creative process, you may find ways and ideas to start save resources before you even begin. Take your time and plan it out first.

Save Time Tools:

Keep a notebook or digital journal of your ideas.
Visualize your attraction. Think about what you need now & in the next few years.
Try mind-mapping/post-it notes. Lay out your ideas in a simple form that works for your thought process.

Save Money Tools:

Take inventory of what you have. You may not need to buy as much as you think.
Work at another haunt. A few extra bucks and gain some experience as well. 
Home Haunts. Build your themes for your future Haunt. One garage at a time.
Take on a side job & start a savings account. Be purposeful with your Haunt fund.

Class Sections:

How to save time AND money

Idea Stage

Business Plan

Design Stage

Build Stage

Decorating & Scenes

Staffing & Hiring

Marketing & Advertising

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