Decorating & Scenes


You can hire a design crew familiar with painting haunt scenes or you can do it yourself. Creativity helps but isn't necessary to create awesome scenes if you know some of the techniques to make it happen.

Save Time Tools:

Use simple and effective scares. It doesn't have to be complex to be scary. 
Detail only areas necessary. Light can hide many areas. Decorate with the show lights on.
Use garden sprayers/bottles for painting. Watered down paint can create some unique patterns. 
Use the internet for ideas. You can learn alot from your couch & favorite surfing device.

Save Money Tools:

Stick to your theme. Buy things related to your story & sets. Dinosaurs don't belong in the cemetary. 
Buy “Oops” paints. The colors inside your haunt don't have to be perfect. Add fire-retardant when necessary.
Reuse everything. Recycle. Sometimes just rearranging furniture makes it a "new" room.
Skip on the over-the-top animatronics until you can afford them. Then add one "gotta see" prop a year.

Class Sections:

How to save time AND money

Idea Stage

Business Plan

Design Stage

Build Stage

Decorating & Scenes

Staffing & Hiring

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