
Your business plan is kinda like an outline and vision for your haunt business. Who you're selling to, where you're getting the money to operate, how you're going to keep the doors open, how much it's going to cost each year. 

Save Time Tools:

Hire a consultant. They can show you how to save time & money.
Find a business partner. Sometimes you can't do it by yourself.
Get your legal stuff done early. Leave yourself plenty of time for inspections & permits.
Get your crew started now. It's never too early to start building your team.

Save Money Tools:

Hire a consultant. They can show you how to save time & money.
Look for budget-friendly locations. This can save you thousands from the beginning. 
Research your local market early. Who are you selling to & where do they live?
Plan out your cost of operations. Always prepare for the worst case scenario. 

Class Sections:

How to save time AND money

Idea Stage

Business Plan

Design Stage

Build Stage

Decorating & Scenes

Staffing & Hiring

Marketing & Advertising

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